
Equine nutrition, OTHERS Hay, OTHERS

A Cut Above the Rest? Understanding the differences between Hay and Haylage

Choice of forage should not only be based on which type of forage may be most suitable, but also what forage you can reliably source of good consistent quality.As forage...

9 min read
Some long-term impacts of foal management

Behaviour, OTHERS Foals, OTHERS

Some long-term impacts of foal management

Sharon Smith MSc SEBC(Reg) IEng BHSAPC investigates how we manage foals and what impact this can have on them long term.

5 min read
Fibre for the Performance Horse: Something to chew over

Digestion, OTHERS Hay steaming, OTHERS

Fibre for the Performance Horse: Something to chew over

Forage is essential to ensure the smooth functioning of the horse’s digestive tract, over two-thirds of which is dedicated to the digestion of fibre.

8 min read