Haygain Hay Steaming Helps Hard Hit Farm Cope with EHV-1 Outbreak

Ehv, OTHERS Ehv canada, OTHERS

Haygain Hay Steaming Helps Hard Hit Farm Cope with EHV-1 Outbreak

Venturing Hills continues to fight for its horses lives in week 6 of battle with neurological strain of EHV-1.

5 min read
Haygain Helps with EHV-1 Precautionary & Management Measure

Comfortstall, OTHERS Ehv, OTHERS

Haygain Helps with EHV-1 Precautionary & Management Measure

Just as the COVID-19 pandemic seemed to be slightly easing its toll on people, horses fell victim to their own fast-spreading virus with dire health consequences: the equine herpes virus,...

4 min read