Reliable Horse Health Information

Customer service, OTHERS Horse health, OTHERS

Reliable Horse Health Information

Layman’s Guide to Reliable Horse Health Information By Christa Lesté-Lasserre, MAWant to know how to manage laminitis, what causes cribbing, when to wean a foal, why your horse bucks, or...

11 min read
Hazards in Hay

Digestion, OTHERS Horse health, OTHERS

Hazards in Hay

Why nutrients and contaminants must be equal parts of the “hay quality” evaluation.By Meriel Moore-ColyerThere is no such thing as the “best” hay for horses. A hay that suits one...

7 min read
Hay -- Should I Steam or Should I Soak?

Digestion, OTHERS Horse health, OTHERS

Hay -- Should I Steam or Should I Soak?

This is a great and frequently-asked question.The answer depends on your goal. Is it…o Respiratory & digestive health?o Reducing sugars in your horse’s diet?o Both?For Respiratory & Digestive Health:Both steaming...

3 min read
Winter Is Coming!

Equine, OTHERS Forage, OTHERS

Winter Is Coming!

Cold weather sends many horses indoors, but warm and cozy has health risks. Weird as our weather is these days, winter will eventually find us. Its arrival will require most...

5 min read
Forage Forward: Why Haygain Crops Up in Equine Nutrition Discussions

Equine, OTHERS Forage, OTHERS

Forage Forward: Why Haygain Crops Up in Equine Nutrition Discussions

Haygain does not make horse feed. So you might wonder why we are often mentioned in discussions on equine nutrition. It’s because we do make equipment that enables horse owners...

3 min read
The Forager: Science Borne Out in the Stable

Ambassador reviews, OTHERS Forager, OTHERS

The Forager: Science Borne Out in the Stable

Slow feeder is proving to be an excellent addition to The Haygain Way of healthy modern horse management.

3 min read