Horse health stories, OTHERS Steamed hay, OTHERS
Grateful for Daily Stories about Horses’ Good Health
Hearing stories about how Haygain equipment has improved horses' health fuels an attitude of gratitude for Haygain heading into the New Year. 6 Seen

Equine, OTHERS Forage, OTHERS
Winter Is Coming!
Cold weather sends many horses indoors, but warm and cozy has health risks. Weird as our weather is these days, winter will eventually find us. Its arrival will require most...

Cost saving, OTHERS Equine, OTHERS
Horse Care Cost Saving Tips
If there is one thing everyone can agree on in horses, it’s that they are expensive. I’ve always heard “there is no such thing as a free horse” and “the...

Equine health, OTHERS Haygain, OTHERS
Summer is Coming…
1. Made In the Shade: Horses should have access to shade throughout the day, especially during peak heat. The shade of trees can be ideal if it puts your horse in...

British team, OTHERS Charlotte dujardin, OTHERS
World Championships: Here come the Hay Steamers!
05/08/2022 World Championships: Here come the Hay Steamers! The ECCO FEI World Championships begin in Herning, Denmark Saturday August 6 and Haygain will be well represented by official members of our #SteamTeam....

Airway inflammation, OTHERS Emmanuelle van erck-westergren, OTHERS
Equine Asthma Causes are Everywhere!
Approximately 80% of active sport horses are challenged with some degree of Equine Asthma. Some horses have a genetic predisposition for asthma, but otherwise it's an occupational disease, explains sporthorse...