Equine Asthma Causes are Everywhere!

Airway inflammation, OTHERS Emmanuelle van erck-westergren, OTHERS

Equine Asthma Causes are Everywhere!

Approximately 80% of active sport horses are challenged with some degree of Equine Asthma. Some horses have a genetic predisposition for asthma, but otherwise it's an occupational disease, explains sporthorse...

4 min read
Preventing Equine Asthma Spectrum Conditions

Allergies, OTHERS Equine asthma, OTHERS

Preventing Equine Asthma Spectrum Conditions

"Get nosy," advises veterinarian Dr. Wren Burnley.

6 min read
Ask the Vet, Part 1: Why is steamed hay important for a healthy horse?

Hay steaming, OTHERS Veterinarian, OTHERS

Ask the Vet, Part 1: Why is steamed hay important for a healthy horse?

Part 1 of the 'Ask the Vet' series, Stephanie Davis, DVM looks at why steaming hay is needed even for healthy horses.

3 min read
Ask the Vet, Part 5: Why does my horse cough?

Equine asthma, OTHERS Horse coughing, OTHERS

Ask the Vet, Part 5: Why does my horse cough?

Part 5 of the 'Ask the Vet' series, Stephanie Davis, DVM looks at what causes horses to cough and what you should do if your horse develops a cough.

2 min read
Respiratory disease in competition horses

Performance, OTHERS Respiratory disease, OTHERS

Respiratory disease in competition horses

KBIS veterinary advisor Annie Bevins MA Vet MB MRCVS discusses the common causes of respiratory disease in competition horses and explains how both management practices and medication can have a part to play...

9 min read
Ask the Vet, Part 4: The importance of steaming hay while travelling

Hay steaming, OTHERS Travelling, OTHERS

Ask the Vet, Part 4: The importance of steaming hay while travelling

Stephanie Davis, DVM, looks at the need for steaming when travelling.

3 min read