4 min read
The Impact of Winter on Horse Health: Overcoming the Challenges

The Impact of Winter on Horse Health: Overcoming the Challenges

Written by: Stephanie Davis

It has become a recurring theme of mine to stress the importance of being proactive when it comes to our horse care. In my practice, we often discuss that the collective effects of our every day workouts are more demanding on the horse’s body than the competitions themselves. So, with that in mind, what can we do on a consistent proactive basis to ensure our horses remain healthy and perform at their best?

When it comes to sport horse management, owners tend to think about joint health before anything else. Joint management and health have been extensively researched in horses. This is because joint disease is one of the most common ailments that will limit a horse’s ability to perform. So, from that perspective, it is understandable that joint care is such an important topic of interest for horse owners. Based on research (see links below for a recent paper and literature), it has become widely accepted that a performance horse should have some sort of joint maintenance/health program. These programs will often consistent of monthly, weekly, or even daily joint care.

This same philosophy must also be applied to our horse’s nutrition. Every day that we give hay, grain, and/or supplements, we are influencing our horse’s bodies. The intent of proper feeding is to maximize their body condition, energy level, and performance. Unfortunately, equine nutrition can be overwhelming to understand. There are endless feeds and supplements on the market that make it difficult for horse owners to decide what is best for their horses. So, I think it is important to simplify and review the fundamentals of feeding horses.

To start simply, the horse needs forage and water. As complicated as nutrition can be, the basics are really that simple. Horses are designed to consume approximately 2% (22-28 pounds) of their bodyweight in forage (grass and hay) over the time span of a day. It cannot be overstated that the grass and hay that your horse consumes is the most important part of their diet.

Once the forage needs are met in your horse, the rest of the horse’s diet management can be built from there. Due to the process of harvesting and storage, hay will collect undesirable dust and mold spores. Additionally, once harvested, vitamins (particularly Vitamin A and E) in the hay will degrade. So, what can we do about the dust, mold, and vitamin loss? The hay steaming process eliminates dust, allergens, and mold spores. So, steamed hay is the ideal way to manage the undesirable particulate matter in the hay. Additionally, research has shown that horses also prefer to eat steamed hay over soaked or dry hay. Not only will the hay be clean and healthy, but the horse will be more likely to consume more of the steamed hay than dry hay. This can be extremely important when you start talking about re-feeding skinny horses or nutritionally rehabbing a thoroughbred off the track.

Balancing Equine Nutrition during the Cold Season

When it comes to the vitamin loss from harvesting hay, there is a small caveat to my statement that horses only need forage and water. If the amount fresh forage is very low (little turnout time), then the hay may not have the necessary vitamins and minerals. So, for those horses, an additional “ration balancer” would be necessary for the horse to have a complete diet. Many feed companies are now aware that there can be a vitamin deficiency with horses that consume more hay than fresh grass and create excellent products that can solve this problem. Most horses (regardless of their discipline) that do not get long stretches of turnout or live in an area of the country that has little grass should be on a ration balancer. Any other caloric needs beyond the steamed hay and ration balancer would be added in the form of a concentrate.

The most important take home message is that water, fresh grass, clean hay, and a ration balancer are the mainstay of a horse’s diet. Anything that is added to the diet beyond those should be based on the age, breed, discipline, geographic location, or disease state of the horse. No matter the program, it is always a good idea to go back to the basics and re-evaluate your feeding regimen to give your horses the opportunity to perform at their best.

Effects of hyaluronan alone or in combination with chondroitin sulfate and N-acetyl-d-glucosamine on lipopolysaccharide challenge-exposed equine fibroblast-like synovial cells. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28441052

Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease)- An Update http://www.equisan.com/images/pdf/oa1.pdf

Lameness and Joint Medications https://aaep.org/horsehealth/lameness-joint-medications


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